Construction of a new energy centre belonging to a company called oncomed manufacturing a.s. in Brn
Investor : oncomed manufactoring a.s.
CZK 0,2 million
4,4 t/h + 1,3MWt
Investor technical supervision TDI and installation assistance for general contractor
Reconstruction of water clarification pretreatment unit in CHÚV 5 - clarification
Investor : Teplárna Trmice, a.s.
CZK 1.8 million, investment CZK 50 million
360 m3/h
Project documentation DSP and ZD
PS 08 – Heat system output, Complete reconstruction of power plant Prunéřov II.
Investor : Elektrárna Prunéřov II. G-Team, a.s.
CZK 5 million
Project documentation (Basic Design, Detail Design)
Sewage water disposal
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s. / MICo, spol. s r.o.
CZK 29.2 million
360 m3/h
Main supplier, implementation including project documentation
Manufacture of condensing TG6 with a cooling centre
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s. / G-Team
Investment 300 million
Project documentation (DUR, DSP, implementation project, author supervision)
System water refilling system
Investor : Elektrárna Prunéřov a.s. / ŠKODA PRAHA Invest
15 m3/h
Project documentation necessary for the implementation
Demineralisation station
Investor : Rafinerie Petrobrazi / CBI & Lummus
CZK 3.5 million
300 m3/h
Project documentation (Basic Design)
TG 11 - 1250 m2 condenser reconstruction
Investor : Unipetrol Litvínov / Alstom a.s.
CZK 0,6 million
TG 25 MW
Condenser reconstruction project including project capacitor disassembly, system modifications and reassembly
Reconstruction of low-pressure boiler room in CHÚV
Investor : MKZ Rájec Jestřebí
Investment CZK 3 millions
Equipment delivery including project documentation necessary for the realisation of the construction process
Modernization of coal boiler room - ŽDB Bohumín, Nový Bohumín plant
Investor : ŽDB Bohumín / Bresson
CZK 3.2 million
2x 16MW uhlí, 1x 12MW plyn
Project concept, complete project documentation including peripherals
Cooling emulsion cleaning - cooling circuit
Investor : Šroubárna Kyjov spol. s r.o.
CZK 2.2 million
23 m3/h
Delivery and installation including project documentation
Neutralisation of aggressive waste water
Investor : Rafinerie Arpechim / CBI & Lummus
CZK 2.8 million
400 m3/h
Project documentation
Fluidised boiler station installation coal supply
Investor : Klatovská teplárna, a.s.
Investment CZK 80 million
11 t/h páry
(awarded as the 2008 Project - TEPLÁRENSKÉ ZDRUŽENÍ (Heating Plant Association), Czech Republic), Preparation of DSP + ZD certain engineering services during implementation
Water pretreatment
Investor : Rafinerie Petrobrazi / CBI & Lummus
CZK 5 million
840 m3/h
Project documentation (Basic Design)
Boiler room construction 2x 8 t/h
Investor : Nová Mosilana a.s.
CZK 2.6 million
2x 8t/h of steam
Project documentation
Reconstruction of water clarification system in CHÚV I
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 21.7 million
300 m3/h
Equipment delivery and installation including project documentation necessary for the construction process
VTO project and delivery
Investor : Chemopetrol Litvínov / K - PROTOS
CZK 11 million
265 t/h páry, 160/220°C
Main supplier: Supply and installation including project documentation
Modification of a steam-condensation system
Investor : Kappa Packaging Czech, s.r.o.
CZK 2.5 million
Delivery including project documentation
Completion of CHÚV – removal of iron from water originating from wells
Investor : Nová Mosilana a.s.
CZK 5 million
160 m3/h
Project documentation for building construction
Demineralised water reservoir 900 m3, project and delivery
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 9.5 million
920 m3
Delivery and installation of a steel reservoir 2x460m3 placed on a concrete foundation, connecting pipeline, alkalisation unit equipped with a decanting pumps, tank and a dosing pump
Extension of demi-line DL 3, CHÚV I
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 10.7 million
150 m3/h
General supplier: Supply and installation including project documentation
Biomass boiler 55 t/h, 6,7 MPa, 450 °C
Investor : Wicker / PBS DIZ a.s.
CZK 3 million
55 t/h
Project documentation for building construction
CHÚV for steam boiler room - acid decarbonisation
Investor : Brudra Radotín a.s. / BRESSON a.s.
CZK 2.6 million
10 m3/h
Equipment delivery including project documentation for realisation of construction process
Storage of regenerants NaOH, FeCl3 and HCl
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 8.6 million
25 - 40 m3 tanks
Main supplier: Supply and installation including project documentation
Blower station reconstruction
Investor : Pražská teplárenská a.s. Teplárna Malešice
CZK 8.5 million
6 500 m3/h
Main supplier: Supply and installation including project documentation
Construction of hot water boiler station 2x27 MW + VS 51 MW
Investor : Teplárny Brno, a.s. - Červený Mlýn branch
CZK 1.3 million, investment CZK 65 million (total investment CZK 1.8 billion)
54 MW
Project documentation + engineering – implementation project – author supervision – as built documentation
Reconstruction of boiler K6 125 t/h, 9,4 MPa, 540°C and boiler K7 150 t/h, 9,4 MPa, 540°C
Investor : SPOLANA a.s. / ABB ENS s.r.o
investment CZK 500 million

Project documentation and engineering

Boiler room reconstruction - new boiler OKP25 + flue gas exchanger
Investor : Investor: Vitka Brněnec a.s.
CZK 1.2 million
25 t/h of steam

Project documentation - author supervision

Refill of cooling water filtration
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 9.9 million
150 m3/h
General supplier: Supply and installation including project documentation
Boiler room using thermal oil produced for ČOV in Brno, Modřice
Investor : Modřice / Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace a.s. (Water treatment and sewerage)
2,9 MW
Project documentation - DPS, DSP, author supervision
Extenstion of heating plant in Holešovice by installing a new boiler for summer operation
Investor : Teplárna Holešovice / Pražská teplárenská a.s.
2x 20-25t/h, 1,4MPa, 240°C, 105°C
Project documentation and author supervision within the following extend: PS 26 Boiler room, DPS 26.01 New boiler room DPS 26.02 Power supply station DPS 26.03 Pipe system, DPS 26.04 Machine disassembly, PS 50 Environmental technology, SO 28/R 01 compressor station
Hot water boiler room 3x 7,1 MW
Investor : Brudra Radotín a.s. / BRESSON a.s.
CZK 1.2 million
3x 7,1 MW
Project documentation necessary for the implementation
General repair of clarified water filters
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 850 thousand
300 m3/h
Reconstruction and repair of neutralisation system in CHÚV I
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 2 million
Main supplier: Supply and installation including project documentation
Filling water treatment used in cooling circle, side filtration
Investor : Bioelektrárna (organic powerplant) is Sviadnov / EKOL spol. s r.o.
18 m3/h
Project documentation necessary for the implementation
General repair of cooling water filters
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 1.14 million
Implementation of general repair
Connection of heat output into hot water pipeline
Investor : Elektrárna Prunéřov / ČEZ a.s. (powerplant)
CZK 5 million
Detail design, author supervision for DPS: Heat exchange station – internal heating, water refilling system, water pump station
Flue gas desulphurisation in TČB
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 500 million
for two steam boilers 250 t / h of steam
Preparation of DSP and ZD documentation
„MOSTEK Energo“
Investor : Mostek / PBS Energo / ILD cz, s.r.o.
CZK 3 million
Interconnection of heating plant and project implementation documentation, steam and condensate piping system, Boiler feeding, TG connection, thermal water treatment, CHÚV
Heat exchange station 65,8 MW, Špitálka branch
Investor : Teplárny Brno, a.s.
CZK 1.9 million
65,8 MW
Concept and project implementation documentation including manufacturing documentation and OCK
Fluidised biomass boiler: Reconstruction and modernisation of energy management in Pila FEP Návsí
Investor : Bioelektrárna Návsí Jabluňkov / MPS Mont, a.s.
CZK 3.6 million, investment CZK 120 million
10 t/h steam, TG 1,8 MWe
Preparation of concept, DPS, DSP and ZD documentation + author supervision
Reconstruction of pretreatment CHÚV 5 - water clarifying reactors + peripherals
Investor : Teplárna Trmice, a.s. / SES Bohemia Engineering a.s.
CZK 23.3 million
350 m3/h
Delivery and installation of two clarifying CHÚV including peripherals - clarification in the alkaline range while maintaining the principle of lime hydrate and auxiliary clarifying agent dosing process. Also sand filtration in gravitational vertical filters with controlled power output. Measuring and regulation systems and electrical systems Automated operation including integration into the existing control system
General repair of condensate filters
Investor : Teplárna České Budějovice a.s.
CZK 1 million
Implementation of general repair
Reconstruction of a combined electric power and heat resource in Teplárna Loučovice (BIOMASS)
Investor : Teplárna Loučovice / EKOL, spol. s r.o.
CZK 4.2 million
steam boil 25t/h
Coordinated project, coordinating activities between the SO IO and PS, documentation of individual operating units based on offer, author supervision, Reconstruction - installation of a new biomass boiler and other related measures. (Inner connection pipeline, Thermal water treatment, Condensate management, Chemical water treatment, Compressor stations, Cooling system)
Power plant PPC Kushiara, Bangladesh (power plant with steam and gas cycle)
Investor : KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ RIA, a.s.
investment CZK 2,8 billion
Technical assistance during preparation of price quotations (balance calculations, component design, pre-design preparation)
Investor : Elektrárna Opatovice / TENZA
CZK 3.47 million
378 MW
DPS, DSP, source documents for SÚ + TDI power output - Modifications in area A, Modifications in area CD, Pipe and cable bridges (including OK design) - administration, coordination, catalogues for PDMS - Constructional section modelling - OK and auxiliary OK modelling, equipment modelling - pipe modelling - 2D drawing documentation - preliminary lists
PAJU ENERGO Velké Opatovice, gasification of biomass in PD Refractories CZ facility in the cadastral
Investor : Paju Energo s.r.o.
CZK 1.4 million
3,23MWt, 2,4MWe
Pyrolytic straw gasification with subsequent burning of the produced gas produced in KGJ (cogeneration units).
Forging furnace flue gases heat utilisation
Investor : IMMO PB a.s. / První brněnská kovárna
CZK 1 million
640 kW
Delivery and installation of heat exchanger unit, Project documentation
New heating source - necessary due to the change of the fuel base into natural gas only
Investor : Neratovice / Awil group / SPOLANA a.s.
investment CZK 191 / 212 / 452 million
2x 55t/h of steam
Feasibility studies, investment cost indication
Construction of boiler K1 250 t/h, 9,4 MPA, 520°C
Investor : Teplárny (Heating plant) Brno, a.s. - Špitálka branch
CZK 12 million, investment CZK 350 million
250 t/h, 9,4 MPa, 520°C
DSP and DPS documentation, power output GP
K1 boiler flue gas utilisation
Investor : Teplárny (Heating plant) Brno, a.s. - Špitálka branch
CZK 2 million, investment CZK 350 million
DSP and DPS documentation, power output GP, condensation heat exchanger 7 MW

Subject of contract

type of technology